Datum3D Featured in MedTech Outlook Magazine

Datum3D Featured in MedTech Outlook Magazine
Datum3D Product Development CEO, Steve Venditti was recently featured in a MedTech Outlook Magazine article where he discussed the current landscape regarding medial device development. The article takes a look at the different challenges and opportunities within the industry suggesting that while regulations can be a hindrance towards development, technology has opened the door to developing revolutionary robotic and remote surgical devices. The article also examines the supply chain ecosystem and provides an optimistic outlook on the future of the industry. Mr. Venditti insisted that "to remain competitive, firms need to modernize and streamline their development processes and implement the latest advancements technology has to offer. In this growing medical device marketplace, development firms that stay on the cutting edge of technology will hold a significant advantage over other players in the space and continue to produce revolutionary products". Stay tuned for more news from Datum3D Product Development. For more information, please visit our resources or blog pages.